New commission: BJD wheelchair

Posted on Oct 3, 2017

Another big order- a custom wheelchair for a 65 cm doll who’s character is an ex Navy Seal, codenamed Icebreaker. Hence the ice-blue details & seal + slogan on the back.

For a while now I’ve been getting the occasional request about a wheelchair I built before on MSD scale, but often the shipping of such a large and fragile item proved to be a deal-breaker for people. So I’m trying to build this new model in an almost “IKEA” sort of way, so it can be shipped flat and assembled at home with minimal effort. It will also be much more sturdy once assembled, with smoother wheel movement. I’m currently working out how to make the front wheel swivel properly, and trying to standardize SD sizes so it will fit most dolls.

Custom colours, full assembly,  and any additions such as decorations or extra padding/ belts or even an extra high back or something could be done at an additional fee.

Doll Wheelchair BJD Balljointeddoll Bjd Wheelchair Army Character Navy Seals DIY Wheelchair Doll Props Puppit Productions Self-Assembly Miniature Design WIP
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